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Choisissez votre formule

  • Self discovery BE YOURSELF Package

    +50 € Onboarding fee
    This 5-session intensive journey will take you to the heart of who you are, allowing you to leverage a unique series of tools and techniques, including a deep dive into past lives and symbols.
    Valable 3 mois
    • Hypnotherapy Session
    • Executive Coaching
  • Addicts Quarterly Self Healing Journey

    Tous les mois
    +30 € Kick the habit fee
    Journey within at your own pace in a three-month period, immersing yourself into the unknown roots of what is heavy on your heart, and dig out keys to a life more free from addictions and suffering.
    Valable 3 mois
    • Hypnotherapy Session
    • Executive Coaching
  • Etudiants, recherche d'emploi, autre

    Valable 1 mois
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